通關兌獎 (PASSCODE) 在遊戲初期因為Portal 很少,所以常常透過發Passcode 的方式讓大家能方便得得到資源 (試想想,沒XMP,也沒RES,點又很少...真的很難玩起來~),不過隨著遊戲的發展,Portal 數量越來越多,透過Passcode來發放資源的意義就不太大了,不過還是聊勝於無。
那Passcode到底是怎麼來的呢?這又是當初遊戲的另一個特色,就是透過解密Media 得到,
就像駭客解碼一樣,透過多種的解碼技巧(如 text manipulating, basic conversions like text to ASCII, HEX to Base64...等)去發掘Passcode,下面就是一個國外討論的例子:
11/19/2012: Sensitives (SOLVED) http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/pac/IB/00/item/Sensitives1.png
Binary code is encoded in the right margin of the document.
Replace... Dots with 0 Dash with 1 Equal sign with 11
...to get: 0110000101100110011100100110000101101101001100010011001101110100
Convert binary to ASCII to get: afram13t an #Ingress passcode
An uncensored version of this document was obtained from portal hacking by Ingress >players. The faint text in the enhanced image (attached in this album) is lifted from >page 2 of the doc, which was also obtained by hacking.
Page 1: http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/objx/lrg/Sensitives1.png
Page 2: http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/objx/lrg/Sensitives2.png
Page 2 contains an ADA image hidden in the Niantic logo.
看了有沒有覺得頭很痛?如果沒有?那你可以參考Decode Ingress - Tools 篇,但是一般人如果想要得到Passcode,就來到 Decode Ingress - Passcode,等待有人發表最新解碼的code,此外還有另外一個管道,就是加入綠軍各區的Hangout( 藍軍的Line 群組應該也有?),通常一有passcode消息,就會馬上在那邊流通。
當你收到看到一組Passcode 大概都長得像這樣:5ywf9aurap232u 的數字,在手機長按那個數字,把它複製起來,接著來到Ingress Menu 的PASSCODE頁面,按下Redeem Passcode的按鈕。
如果這個Passcode還很新,畫面就會顯示Passcode confirmed,然後顯示你得到的物資。
但是如果運氣差一點,都被大家搶光了,就會顯示Passcode already redeemed。
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